
User App

Here are the steps to integrate Stripe and allow payment with credit cards.
  1. Create Stripe Account.
  2. Add your business details to activate your account.
  3. Go to Developers → API Keys and get your publishable key and paste it in constants.dart file. image alt text
Free plan setup
  1. Sign up for a Cloudflare account. Cloudflare workers
  2. Access the Cloudflare Workers dashboard
  3. Click on the “Create a Worker” button to start creating a new serverless function. Give your Worker a name.
  4. Open create-payment.js and search for variable named stripeSecretKey and put your stripe secret key there.
  5. Select and copy the entire code from the “create-payment.js” file and then Paste the code into the serverless function on Cloudflare.
  6. Save and deploy the Worker
  7. Copy the URL of the serverless function and paste it in constants.dart file. image alt text